Monday, February 23, 2009

No more microhouse today kids.

Today is a day of rest. We listen to minihouse music and hang out with my mom.
I lament the loss of Kendra, Bridget and Holly from the "Girl's Next Door". More power to the ladies for moving on and out of an opressive situation...but most people have a questionable pleasure? I like the girl's next door a lot; the one reality show where everyone is nice and sweet and girlish.(Even if i inherently think the concept is kinda gross, and playboy never gave me anything but Little redheaded Annie comics in the 70's...and Bridgette Marquiat.) There are petite dogs, fluffy cats, frilled lingerie and birthday parties abound. Holly and Bridgette are also of great intelligence. It was a show i could giggle at, enjoy for the overly pink aestetics, and the overall harmlessness of the hijinx. Geeze Kendra, talk about breaking up the band. I'm pretty sure reality television will never be this nice ever again.


Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Meowlentines!

Romance cards, originally uploaded by Rodeo!.


And also, Sarah Haskins addresses chocolate.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

she would smile and i felt it all over the floor

This week's crush

Dan Friedman's "well, said the rocking chair" has been the Resume Of Charm offical cheese for the week. Watch this awesome Top of the pops video, and watch his adorable facial expressions when he says "I may not be all that bright, but I know how to hold you tight" Awwwww!