Mizmelodia@gmail.comAmbrosial cut and paste zine on hard lost love in the Australian outback while travelling.
"for two full days i didn't see a single person and when I emerged at the top of King's Canyon I made a solemn vow not to get bitter, not let this poison my heart's propensity to love and be loved"
Czech One two
1022 Arthur Ct. Apt #217
Salisbury, MD 21804
A zine about a fellow named Daniel's time working on an organic farm, making it very clear that he had little fun or romance with the work. It Sounds like they worked a pretty bad farm, but the note with the zine said that he's working a farm with better results. Good! Has some cute comics and nice illustrations scattered through out.
Asexy ...or something like that
A zine on Mage's asexuality, romantic attractions...or something like that, yes indeed. Discusses adopting a lesbian identity but being sexually attracted to men, and discovering the Asexual Visiblity and Education Network. A quick read, I think this zine may have been part of a Portland State University Class on Feminism and Zines.
Food Magic!
First, the photo on the front is a lady snake charming weenies on a string. You know it's going to be good. Doodles and recipes for basil coctails, mulled wine, arugala pesto, brazil nut "cheese", walnut pate, Soups, salads, stir fries, and even a liver tonic! Sure there are tons of vegan cookzines, but I assure you the food (and librations!) in this one shine.
Not Pokemon Comics (sorry)
Letters to an Absent Father
Mare Odomo is adorable from start to end, in person and on paper. His comics "Letters to an absent father" feature Ash Ketchum of the pokemon fame writing his father about his life, asking questions of the man that never appears in the series, games, or comics. "Dear Dad, On a the sea, I watched my butterfree...& his mate...Disappear...into the sunset. Do you ever miss mom? Love, Ash"
Only the sweetest of hearts could make this.
His more personal comics, NOT POKEMON COMICS (SorrY) are hand sketched, everything from park sketches, ladies and pizza. Reccomended!

Aunt Anna's
Guide to Grooming
Rules for Prim and Proper Little Ladies
Simple and nice encouraging little girls to eat world cusine, conquer their fears, and express their opinions. "Some little girls are sweet. Other little girls are rough. Most girls, However, are a combination of both and this makes them much more interesting." Said well Aunt Anna!
The grooming guide is great too. "Girls should never shave, It takes up too much of their precious time." and "Or just don't comb your hair. This is also okay. It makes you look wild and free."

How to Host a House Show
The Laundry Chute
728 E. Locust St
Milwaukee, WI 53212
Pink and black blockprinted cover in this nice mini zine, covers communication, neighbour relations, promotion and setting up. If you've never thought about having a house show this is a ncie little introduction.
Kitchen Conniption
Obtained at Floating World Comics
In this time of well illustrated food zines, I LOVE Vanessa's art! Doodles of food, ladies cooking, write ups of her favourite food blogs, drink tips, honey beer bread and more. Her art sort of reminds me of Julie Doucet. Reccomended!

Alco Beat #6
Hilarious zine by two folks from bowling green in the late 90's or early 2000. Life updates that really get me laughing - A story about going to a garage sale and buying a very powerful bug zapper, reality shows, term paper titles, a piece on Punk rock in china, and reviews of course. This zine is old and I'll bet you can't get it anywhere. And I think I reviewed it a few years ago.
Andy Friendly - Full Speed Ahead
This zine is mostly about travelling, but also bad ideas executed in houses with a fresh voice. Keeps to the interesting things and ditches the chafe. Includes a eally rad piece on working with bike brakes - he seems to be very bright and have a good way of describing the system to folks. Seems like a fun rowdy kid.
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